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Five Element Qigong

(4 customer reviews)


Supercharge your aura & energy with these internal exercises.

SKU: 5982 Categories: , , Tags: , ,

Designed to Arm You with EVERYTHING You need toQUICKLY & EASILYTeach You How to Build YourAura Energy NOW! Dragon Society International’s 5 Element Qigong DVD will teach you the traditional exercises to build your aura and bring you closer to having more health and vitality!What is QiGong?  QiGong is the Mandarin Chinese term used to describe various Chinese systems of physical and mental training for health, focus, and self-enlightenment. The dictionary definition for the word “qi” usually involves the meaning of “breathing”, “air”, “gas” and “vapor” but it can also be used in the context of describing the relationship between matter, energy and spirit. The traditional Chinese Medical community uses Qigong for preventive and curative functions. The Chinese martial arts community considers Qigong training an important component in enhancing martial abilities.  The 5 Element Qigong set is presented in detail as well as the effects that you can expect to experience.These Qigong exercises are the same one’s practiced by Grandmaster Rick Moneymaker to take the Kirlian photos of his aura pictured above.   Learn step-by-step exercises to connect mind & body.   Supercharge your focus. Learn how to generate easily mental power and clarity. Get your body into a healthy balance to see your energy …EXPLODE! Don’t wait!  This is an special introductory offer of Dragon Society International. Take charge of your health by taking advantage of this special offer.

4 reviews for Five Element Qigong

  1. daniel poore (verified owner)

  2. james valentine (verified owner)

    I like the video, it’s a little dated. The qigong is simple like I like it.
    The video could have been divided or separated into two or three sections. One for the lecture. A second for the instructions and thirdly the complete qigong demonstration.
    The separations would allow one to go to the section one is interested in without having to watch the whole DVD.
    The lecture was superb, outstanding.

  3. Ray Pineda (verified owner)

  4. James Jones (verified owner)

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