
50 Torite Techniques Volume 5: The Grandmasters Series


Torite Techniques 41-50 with multiple new players to the game, additional informatioin, and multiple variations. These videos were first seen within the Premiere Streaming Video Membership.

Torite Techniques 41-50 with multiple new players to the game, additional informatioin, and multiple variations. These videos were first seen within the Premiere Streaming Video Membership.Over the last 20 years, the DSI has continued to grow and improve our knowledge base. TO reflect this, Grandmaster Rick Moneymaker asked Grandmaster Michael Patrick to film a new DVD series on the 50 Torite Techniques expanding upon the information contained in the original series. There are new Players to the Game, additional variations, and more on these videos.The entire series is 5 videos. Each DVD contains 10 techniques with multiple variations and players to the game.You can easily utilize the information in these videos to supplement your training and/or prepare for testing for Instructor rank within the DSI.


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